Amazon slashed the prices for Echo Dot smart speaker to Rs 4099 making it a bit more affordable. Echo Dot is like a younger brother to Echo, both having Alexa at their hearts. Alexa is a cloud based voice service or an AI (like Google Assistant or Siri) by Amazon that is always getting smarter and adding new features and skills. Alexa, the brain behind Echo Dot, adapts to your speech patterns and vocabulary and the more you use Dot, the more Alexa becomes smarter. You can use Alexa to play music, make calls, check weather and news, set alarms, control smart home devices, and much more. Just say - 'Alexa, play top Bollywood songs' and she'll do it for you.
Design Features
Echo Dot is made for any room. Sleek and compact design makes it a convenient addition to any room in the house. With its built-in speaker, you can place Dot in the bedroom and use it as a smart alarm clock. It is small (hence the name Dot) - designed to be heard and not seen. Echo Dot can also connect to other speakers using a 3.5mm stereo cable or Bluetooth to add voice control to your home stereo system. Echo dot can hear you from across the room, even in noisy environments, or while playing music as it has seven microphones that use beam-forming technology and enhanced noise cancellation.
Echo Dot is made for any room. Sleek and compact design makes it a convenient addition to any room in the house. With its built-in speaker, you can place Dot in the bedroom and use it as a smart alarm clock. It is small (hence the name Dot) - designed to be heard and not seen. Echo Dot can also connect to other speakers using a 3.5mm stereo cable or Bluetooth to add voice control to your home stereo system. Echo dot can hear you from across the room, even in noisy environments, or while playing music as it has seven microphones that use beam-forming technology and enhanced noise cancellation.
Alexa Skills
Alexa has thousands of skills with more added regularly. Skills add even more capabilities like ordering food from Zomato, requesting a ride from Ola, booking a carpenter from UrbanClap.
Some commands for Alexa are -
Weather update - "Alexa, what’s the weather like?"
Book a cab - "Alexa, I want a ride"
Get traffic details - "Alexa, what’s the traffic like?"
Order a pizza - "Alexa, open Domino’s and place an order"
Purchase from Amazon - "Alexa, purchase shoes"
Get news - "Alexa, read me the news"
Get scores - "Alexa, what is India's cricket score?"
Alexa has thousands of skills with more added regularly. Alexa also plays music from services like Amazon Prime Music, Saavn and TuneIn on your Echo Dot. You can search for music by album, decade, or let Alexa pick the music for you.
Alexa has thousands of skills with more added regularly. Skills add even more capabilities like ordering food from Zomato, requesting a ride from Ola, booking a carpenter from UrbanClap.
Some commands for Alexa are -
Weather update - "Alexa, what’s the weather like?"
Book a cab - "Alexa, I want a ride"
Get traffic details - "Alexa, what’s the traffic like?"
Order a pizza - "Alexa, open Domino’s and place an order"
Purchase from Amazon - "Alexa, purchase shoes"
Get news - "Alexa, read me the news"
Get scores - "Alexa, what is India's cricket score?"
Alexa has thousands of skills with more added regularly. Alexa also plays music from services like Amazon Prime Music, Saavn and TuneIn on your Echo Dot. You can search for music by album, decade, or let Alexa pick the music for you.
Set it up
Place your Echo Dot in a central location (at least eight inches (20 centimetres) from any walls and windows). Then, plug the included power adapter into Echo Dot and then into a power outlet. The light ring on Echo Dot turns blue, and then orange. When the light turns orange, Alexa greets you. Download the Alexa app from Google Play Store or iOS App Store. In the Alexa app, follow the instructions to connect Echo Dot to a Wi-Fi network. You can now use your Echo device. To get started, say the "wake word" and then speak naturally to Alexa. Your Echo device is set to respond to the wake word "Alexa" by default, but you can change it at any time.
Place your Echo Dot in a central location (at least eight inches (20 centimetres) from any walls and windows). Then, plug the included power adapter into Echo Dot and then into a power outlet. The light ring on Echo Dot turns blue, and then orange. When the light turns orange, Alexa greets you. Download the Alexa app from Google Play Store or iOS App Store. In the Alexa app, follow the instructions to connect Echo Dot to a Wi-Fi network. You can now use your Echo device. To get started, say the "wake word" and then speak naturally to Alexa. Your Echo device is set to respond to the wake word "Alexa" by default, but you can change it at any time.
Overall Echo Dot is a good investment for people who love smart devices. Though the cost for smart bulbs, smart switches are very high in India, in a year or two, they might get affordable.
Buy Amazon Echo Dot here
Buy Amazon Echo here
Buy Amazon Echo Plus here
Buy Amazon Echo Spot here
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